We thought it was curious.
Guys can find underwear out there with practically any type of design. But the sad undershirt has remained plain for over 100 years. Hmmm…

Here’s the deal. Guys can’t wear graphic tees under a dress shirt because the design would show through. And that would be a fashion faux pas. So men have been left stuck with boring undershirts that are also ahem…very uncool to wear on their own.
Thankfully it wasn't rocket science. You see, the fabric by the buttons on a dress shirt (it’s called a placket, who knew?) is 4 times as thick as the rest of the shirt. Nothing’s going to show through...so that's the spot where we put our designs. And now the world has Graphic Undershirts!
We set out to solve The Boring Undershirt Problem.
Stacy Flax, Founder of Bored Rebel (doing one of her favorite things…drinking champagne).
It’s funny how sometimes a shitty situation leads you to an awesome place that you never even imagined … that’s my story.
Bored Rebel is my second act in life. I had never talked much publicly about why I left my first career in the corporate world. I left because I was burned out beyond belief - like those pieces of crumbs sitting at the bottom of a toaster.
I didn’t have the energy or the courage then to talk about what I went through. But I do now! And I want to because the more we all talk about things like workplace burnout and mental health in general, the faster we can get rid of the absurd stigma surrounding them.
I did lots of things to dig myself out of that not-so-fun place. At first, the idea of starting a business (or doing pretty much anything other than watch Netflix) seemed unimaginable. But something cool happened to me along the way. I discovered my passion for graphic design. And that led me to wonder why my husband’s boxer shorts always had fun designs on them and his undershirts, in stark comparison, were always plain and boring.
Bored Rebel was born in that moment...with me in my bathroom…staring at my husband’s underwear that he leaves on the floor. Every. Single. Day.
Bored Rebel is what got me through the last remnants of my burnout fog. It’s become my extreme passion, my daily dose of medicine and my small platform to put some empathy (and humor!) out into the world.
I love the idea that sharing our vulnerabilities can help others. If you’re going through burnout now or something else that’s hard…I care, so many others care, and you are not alone, friend!
Check out fashion icon, Rebecca Minkoff, publishing Bored Rebel’s story…!
Our emails don’t suck. Really.
Do it. You know you want to. Please?